Generate Your Own Energy This Energy Saving Week

Energy Saving Week 2025 is on 20-26th January which is quite well-timed after the energy price cap increase and the big freeze we have been through, as we are all feeling the pinch on energy bills.

In October we blogged about our top 10 energy saving tips for Energy Efficiency Day, so we thought we’d look at how much solar PV can impact your energy bills this Energy Saving Week as it is one of the top ways of reducing the amount of energy you buy.

Generating your own energy

Producing your own electricity is one of the best ways you can cut down on the energy you need to buy. Most homes in the UK have only the option of either solar PV panels or heat pumps. For most homes, solar PV is the easiest solution as it is the simplest to install and least disruptive.

Solar PV systems are a versatile solution which can be installed on most properties regardless of whether you have a pitched roof or a flat roof. The key factor is that your roof must face in the right direction and not suffer from shading so that the solar panels can benefit from the maximum amount of sunlight. We can help you assess your roof suitable for solar panels, contact us to discuss this.

How much can solar PV panels save me on my energy bills?

The amount of money you can save on your energy bills will vary depending on the size of the system you install, how much of the electricity you generate you use and export, and whether you include battery storage as part of your solar PV system. If we took an average three-bedroom house in South-East UK that has a medium electricity usage, they could potentially save over £1,000 per year on electricity bills. To get an estimate of the savings you could make, try out our solar panel calculator.

This would be based on the household installing a 12-panel system with 410W solar panels and a 5.12kWh battery. A system of this size in this location could generate 4,728.12kWh which could equate to a saving of £1,008.47 which is made up of £771.75 electricity bill savings and £236.72 export payments for unused electricity.

That would be the saving for the first year, but solar panels can last 30 years and when you equate just inflation into the figures (and not rising energy bill prices), the predicted average annual savings over 30 years is £2,431.15. Over the 30 years, this could total £57,689.37 in savings which also accounts for the initial installation costs and replacement part costs!

Many of our solar PV customers only purchase 44% of the electricity they use which means they are protected largely from price rises that are happening and don’t feel the full brunt of the market prices. As energy prices continue to rise this saving from producing your own electricity will only get greater.

Are these figures right?

These figures may seem amazing but they are accurate for the property in the example. We can calculate how much you can potentially save and the electricity you can generate before you commit to installing solar panels based on your property, location and size of the system. We offer an online solar PV calculator to give you an initial idea or you can get a free quote from one of our experienced team.

You can rest assured that our figures are a fair estimation of the potential electricity generation and savings as we are an EPVS member. This certification demonstrates that the installer provides estimates and savings figures that are trustworthy. EPVS members are monitored and validated continuously on these figures and customers can request a free validation check of the figures they are provided with if they want to.

Interested in saving money on your energy bills?

If this has gotten you thinking about installing solar PV on your home, contact us to find out more or get a free, no-obligation quote.