Vulnerability Policy

Our Policy: Dealing with Vulnerable Customers

Solartherm UK operate a strict policy with regards to their potential customers age and well being. Our staff must identify any and all consumers with additional needs or who, by their circumstances, may be potentially vulnerable customers and deal with them sympathetically and appropriately.

Solartherm UK outsource lead generation with 100% of our lead flow coming from a recognised Global inc 5000 listed supplier that ethically raises leads by online and media sourced works. On occasion our source may supply clients that are over 72 years of age, and although we do not discriminate on age or wellness we are of course considerate that those aged over 72 years may be entering into agreements that need further consideration or a third party overseer.

Consumers with additional needs may be those that need special help or assistance, such as those living with a disability, those who may need help understanding complex products, or those who may need to rely on others. Vulnerable consumers are those whose circumstances put them at risk of making an incorrect or inappropriate decision.
Importantly, a person is not necessarily vulnerable nor may they have any particular additional needs merely because they are older, disabled or living with any particular condition. Vulnerability and additional needs are very much a matter of individual circumstances.

Vulnerable consumers include those:

  • with a disability that may put them at risk of making an incorrect or inappropriate decision
  • with poor literacy skills
  • with a lack of knowledge about a complex product or service
  • who are purchasing something at a time of particular stress or distress
  • whose first language is not English, and English is the only language in which material is available
  • whose age may put them at risk of making an incorrect or inappropriate decision
  • where a consumer is identified as vulnerable or with additional needs, our staff must make reasonable adjustments to their service offer to meet those additional needs or adequately address the vulnerability.

The Mental Capacity Act states that a person is unable to make a specific decision if they cannot understand information about the decision to be made, cannot retain that information in their mind, cannot use or weigh that information as part of the decision-making process or cannot communicate their decision. Staff must consider that a consumer’s vulnerability may not be immediately obvious. Although a sight impairment, disability or age-related vulnerability may be apparent. It may also be that a consumer is vulnerable due to a change in circumstances, for example a recent bereavement. Under the Equality Act 2010 it is illegal to discriminate. It is important that staff try to accommodate the needs of a vulnerable consumer and do not simply refuse to deal with them.

This means that when a Solartherm UK staff member identifies that a consumer has a disability or vulnerability they must inform the office manager to enable non sales staff to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate our potential customer by proactively suggesting solutions that will help consumers make informed choices and taking steps to ensure they fully understand key documents including the quotation, contract and guarantee.
The office will ensure that information can be provided in an alternative format for customers with additional needs where necessary, e.g. other languages, large font, brail, audio or to advise such customers to read through documents with a trusted friend or relative.

Unless by specific written request Solartherm UK do not look to install equipment within the cooling off period, or before a full survey has been undertaken and a design and documentation approved. If you are a potential customer of our products please excuse our thorough nature on these sensitive matters and if you are happy to proceed with the quotation provided to you please input your details and provide your signature or initials in the ‘Sign’ box.

If you have concerns or further queries we would rather you contact us and ask speak with our office staff or office manager before you commit to any undertakings or works.

SolarTherm UK is part of the Silvercrest Energy Group Ltd.

The Energy Centre, Units 2 – 4 Howard Chase, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3BE

Telephone: 01268 202562
Email: [email protected]