Mr & Mrs Cullen – Savings with a new Home Solar Panel System

Drone image of full-black Amerisolar solar panels fitted to semi-detached home


Mr and Mrs Cullen’s estimated annual grid consumption was 6,632kWh per year. Since the addition of our 6.1kWh PV system, their GRID consumption has decreased to just 3,253.7kWh per year.

Benefits of Solar Panels for Homes

Location: Essex, United Kingdom

Prior to the Solar PV Installation, Mr and Mrs Cullen’s estimated annual grid consumption was 6,632kWh per year. Since the addition of our 6.1kWh PV system, their GRID consumption has decreased to just 3,253.7kWh per year.

Prior to the Solar PV Installation their Electric bills totalled to £2,046.66 annually. Since the addition of the system, the annual bill for the household is now estimated to be £1111 – A fantastic saving of £935.66 per year, these results are despite an increase of 19.05p per day and 0.795p per day for Standing Charge and Unit Rate.

Our calculations therefore suggest that their home is 50.9% better off since the addition of the system and we believe almost half of their everyday energy to be completely FREE!

As per the initial contract, we predicted annual savings at just £769.37 with a total payback period of 12 years. We’ve recalculated based on their results a new payback period of just 8-9 years in which they’re already 1.5 years into, a positive return on investment at 426%!

As amazing as the financial benefits have proven to be, it is very important to consider our carbon footprint. Their eco-friendly efforts have been a great benefit to our environment with a 1.2kg CO2 Emission Saving to date, the equivalent to planting 83 trees – It’s proven cheap to be green!
