How much roof space do I need to install Solar Panels?

Installers fitting solar panels to a roof

With homeowners more so now than ever looking to offset their rising electricity bills, solar panels have become an increasingly popular and viable solution to offset energy bills and become more environmentally friendly.

With average house prices in the UK currently standing at circa £282,000 and the average square foot of a house in the UK standing at just under 970 square feet, some owners are left asking if they can fit solar panels on their house and how much space is required to fit solar panels.

In this article we will explore the sizing requirements for a solar panel system and the key considerations when deciding the size of the solar system required for your home or business.

Size of solar panels

Solar panels come in an array of sizes, with manufacturers producing an array of sizes to help solar panel systems become more accessible to those with smaller spaces and more versatile requirements.

For those with a smaller roof space, this typically means fewer solar panels due to the space available, this can be somewhat offset by installing high-efficiency solar panels. The higher efficient solar panels are often more premium and are more efficient at generating electricity, essential if you’re limited to the number of panels you’re able to fit.

Matching solar array size to energy requirements

While it’s possible to install solar panels on all of the roof space, there is a point where installing more panels doesn’t make economic sense, normally where electricity generation surpasses household usage. There are, however, two instances whereby installation of additional solar panels above that of the household usage is beneficial, these include:

  • Where houses or businesses have also opted to install home energy batteries, this is a circumstance where installing additional panels can be beneficial as to charge the batteries for use at peak times when electricity generation from solar panels would be below that of household requirements.
  • If your energy provider offers a strong rate for any electricity fed back to the grid through a tariff scheme such as FIT and SEG, installing additional solar panels could be reclaimed through generation payments, plus additional profit after the initial payback period.

However, typically without solar batteries, matching the electricity generation from the solar panels to offset that of the household usage provides the most efficient returns to offset the initial investment. Most installers will request copies of your energy bills to help ascertain your energy usage to quote for the most appropriate system.

MCS Installer

Once you’ve decided you’d like to go ahead and install solar panels, the next step is to find an accredited and reputable installer. With a wide range of installers offering solar services, choosing the right installer with a reputable history that also has an MCS certification has several benefits including ensuring any warranties are maintained and qualifying for tariffs such as SEG.

Solar Batteries

Solar batteries have become increasingly popular, with homeowners looking to avoid drawing power from the grid during the evening when electricity generation from solar panels would not cover household usage. Solar batteries can be beneficial for homeowners that are not in during the day, as any electricity production would go straight to the grid. In that case, where a solar battery is installed, all generated energy will be stored in the battery for use when the homeowners require it – this often avoids paying for peak time prices.

Feasibility study and quote from SolarTherm UK

At SolarTherm UK, our team of expert installers have years of experience across thousands of solar projects, helping homeowners and businesses realise their energy-saving potential, while also helping them to go ‘green’. To find out more or to get a quote for solar installation on your home or business, contact our expert team today.